Electronic Fingerprinting
Electronic Fingerprinting
Fully Accredited
Police Check by C5ID is fully accredited by the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service (CCRTIS), and Canada's National Repository for Criminal Records.
★★★★★ Over 100+ 5 Star Reviews
"Safe and secure service"
Emily M.
★★★★★ -
Very professional, friendly, and fast!
Norbert S.
★★★★★ -
"Great people, very good work"
Gerry W.
Matrix Management Inc.
★★★★★ -
"This is a great service!"
Dallas M.
Provincial Alarm
"With over 40 years of cumulative experience, we look forward to being your criminal background services provider."
Founded by an RCMP Veteran
John is an RCMP veteran with 25 years of experience. Having conducted countless investigations customs, immigration intelligence, fraud, and corruption over the course of his career, he understands the Canadian criminal justice system all too well. In 1993, John founded International Fingerprinting Services Canada (IFSC), after undergoing several acquisitions since 2004, John founded C5ID to provide a concise product offering, focused on providing Canadians with a seamless criminal background check experience.
For 15 years, Preston managed the entire criminal record check program for IFSC. Preston now manages the criminal record check program for C5ID bringing over 25 years of experience to our company and providing an unparalleled customer service to our clients.